Yonhap says South Korea repels the entry of dozens of North Korean soldiers by firing warning shots

Yonhap says South Korea repels the entry of dozens of North Korean soldiers by firing warning shots

flood. South Korean forces This Tuesday, they turned away dozens Soldiers to north korea Which crossed briefly borderAccording to Yonhap Agency.

North Korean soldiers operating in the demilitarized zone crossed into the south, where the forces carried out Warning shots And forced them to return to the North Korean side Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Yonhap explained that this is the second border violation by the North in less than two weeks, after a similar incident that occurred on June 9, when about 20 soldiers crossed into the South.

Read also: South Korea fires warning shots after North Korean soldiers violate the border

According to the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), North Korean soldiers crossed the border Military demarcation line inside the demilitarized zone in the central part of the border around 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.

The South Korean military carried out warning broadcasts and warning shots, prompting the North Korean soldiers to return to their side of the border, the Joint Chiefs of Staff said, adding that there was no unusual activity after the warning shots.

A Joint Chiefs of Staff official said the incident appeared to be accidental.

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