WhatsApp trick to find out which name it saved for you

WhatsApp trick to find out which name it saved for you

The WhatsApp curious the trick It allows you to see what name they have saved for you on the phone of the people you have in your conversations. she is one from dozens of things It can be done with the app.

We cannot forget that WhatsApp is one of the most used applications in the world and without a doubt the most used instant messaging platform in Spain and Latin America. Therefore, it is quite natural for people to want to make the most out of it, knowing each and every one of the tricks available.

This WhatsApp trick works on both devices Iphone As is the case in AndroidIt is not necessary to download an additional application and not of any kind hackIt is also not a vulnerability in the most popular operating systems for our mobile phones.

photo from photography conscious design

The Simple WhatsApp Trick And you just have to follow these steps. The first thing is to open the app on your mobile device and enter the conversation of the person you wish to get to know. Here comes a little social engineering: you have to ask your contact for your participation مشارك Your own phone number.

Of course, you should do it of choice To participate This is in the WhatsApp app itself. This is achieved by entering the profile and pressing the three dots menu in the upper right corner. When that happens, you will receive a contact card with your own number but also with the name they saved you with.

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