UCAM resumes health collaboration in Uganda

UCAM resumes health collaboration in Uganda

Professors of the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM) From the health field This week we will travel to Uganda on a new humanitarian trip organized by the NGO Worldproject. With financial support from the Catholic University, this group of volunteers has been active for four years. Manuel Pardo, Vice Dean of UCAM, and Artyom Linv Professor of Dentistry PhD in English.

During your stay, orThey will provide free healthcare to local patients and ongoing training for healthcare professionals in the region.This year, the mission will add new health resources to the clinic, expand the range of services, and improve dental care. In addition, community activities will be increased so that the health team can travel to the homes of patients with limited mobility.

In the early years, Volunteers have equipped an ambulance and a hospital centre that provides care to about 15,000 residents of Kikaya, with funding from UCAM.During the last trip, the university donated four virtual reality headsets to the clinic staff to continue training virtually. In this mission, defibrillators in the medical center and ambulance will be replaced, thanks to the donation. EGS Emergency Global System.

“The clinic has already been strengthened. We are now taking it a step further by conducting health education through preventive measures and not just reactive measures to treat the disease before it appears,” Pardo said.

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