This is what they do in cities

Photovoltaics has gained great popularity as an alternative energy source due to its properties of being clean, sustainable, non-greenhouse gas emissions and renewable. However, it has been determined that solar panels have an unexpected impact in cities. let's see.

Solar panels: They are now causing controversy due to the unexpected results resulting from their use

Installing solar panels on rooftops has been a solution to the energy crisis related to availability and cost. These are the best option for self-consumption, but a drawback they bring to structures has now been discovered.

Which indicates that It can cause high temperaturesEspecially in urban areas with high population density. This was determined by an interdisciplinary group made up of scientists from several countries, who dedicated themselves to studying these components and their consequences on the climate.

How can these elements affect temperature levels?

This research shows that solar panels absorb 90% of solar radiation, but convert only about 20% into electricity. The problem is that 70% do not reflect thisRather, it retains it and increases the temperature in the building in which it settles.

In this case, on the roof of the house, which, because it is not insulated, allows heat to pass inside. This condition results in a temperature rise that can range from 1 to 2 degrees Celsius. Tests conducted in several cities where the use of this energy is widespread have also shown.


For example, an increase of 1.9°C was observed in Sydney, in Austin 1.7°C and in Kolkata 1.5°C. This was done during the day, then the same measurements were made at night to verify whether the solar modules were the cause of this phenomenon and the following was found.

There was a drop in average temperature of 0.6 to 0.3 degrees Celsius in Sydney, Austin and Kolkata. These results show that the presence of solar panels is directly linked to increased heat in urban areas. But… How does the effect of heat work in cities?

This increase caused by the solar modules creates differences in atmospheric conditions near the ground where the city's atmosphere is located, affecting sea breezes, which accumulate as a so-called “heat island” factor that raises the temperature very steadily.

To this must be added the city's vulnerability due to heat retention resulting from various sources such as gas emissions from cars, air conditioning equipment, hot asphalt, and others. And now solar panels. It should be noted that the latter contributes to a decrease in temperature at night.

This is because heat that has accumulated during the day tends to dissipate more quickly. Ironically, this unexpected effect also conspires against the solar panels themselves and the accumulated heat reduces their efficiency. Actually, that is It decreases with every temperature above 25 degrees Celsius.

The form of analysis to reach this result

The research team developed a model to evaluate the effects of solar panels on rooftops. same It consists of a climate forecasting programmeWhich analyzes the energy consumption of buildings by measuring their impact on the city’s environment.

In short, although solar panels represent a solution for self-consumption of electricity, they also have negative impacts on heat levels in cities due to their high temperatures. Therefore, before installing this system, you should study this consequence and its seriousness.

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