The United States has evacuated 3,800 people from Afghanistan in the past 24 hours | international | News

The United States has evacuated 3,800 people from Afghanistan in the past 24 hours |  international |  News

Washington has reported that several countries have agreed to host US military flights with evacuees from Afghanistan for the stopover.


Today, the US Department of Defense noted that 3,800 people have been evacuated “in the past 24 hours”, bringing the total since last week to 17,000, while acknowledging that the situation outside Kabul airport remains “very dynamic”.

At a press conference, Deputy Director of Logistics at the US General Staff, General Hank Taylor provided an update on the evacuation efforts, noting that of the 17,000, 2,500 are American citizens.

Taylor also noted that the airport continues to operate with arrivals and departures, although he cautioned that the situation in the Afghan capital is “very dynamic.”

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The US embassy in Kabul advised its nationals in a letter sent on Saturday “to avoid traveling to the airport or airport gates unless they receive direct information from a US official to do so.”

The embassy justified the warning of “potential security threats” at the airport gates.

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US forces, coordinating the exit process, were forced to halt flights for a few hours on Friday because there was no longer room in transit centers to receive evacuees in Qatar.

in the last hours, Washington reported that several countries have agreed to host US military flights with evacuees from Afghanistan to stop in their territory, including Denmark, Germany, Qatar, Italy and the United Kingdom, among others.

The United States began withdrawing its troops from Afghanistan in May but was forced to speed up the evacuation of the remaining Americans in Afghanistan and their Afghan allies in the wake of the rapid advance of the Taliban, who seized Kabul and took over last Sunday. the whole country. (I)

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