The ten nuns of the Catholic Church were excommunicated

The ten nuns of the Catholic Church were excommunicated

The ten poor Spanish nuns who declared that they had “voluntarily separated” from the Catholic Church and placed themselves under the guardianship of a false bishop not recognized by the Church were excommunicated by the Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Isita, who was appointed papal legate. In this regard. .

In a statement sent to the media on Saturday, the Archbishop of Burgos, the diocese to which the Bellorado Monastery belongs, in northern Spain and where the nuns are located, said that Isita had communicated the decree of excommunication and effective expulsion from consecrated life to each of the ten sisters who had been subjected to the schism.

Yesterday, Friday, the nuns sent a brofax to the Archbishop in which they refused to appear before the Ecclesiastical Church, as he had asked them, not to recognize their authority, and communicated their “unanimous and irrevocable position” to abandon the Catholic Church. At the same time, he stressed that any legal punishment such as excommunication would be invalid.

On May 13, these ten nuns announced, with a statement and a public letter, their departure from the Catholic Church to place themselves under the guardianship of the Pious Apostolic Union of St. Pauli, founded by the false bishop Pablo de Rojas, who was excommunicated in 2009.

The Archbishop noted that despite the excommunication of the ten nuns, “there is still a monastic community consisting of sisters who were not subject to excommunication, because they did not support the schism”; These are the five eldest sisters and three others who, although not currently in the monastery, belong to the community.

The excommunication of the ten nuns means that they must leave the Bellorado Monastery, although the Archbishopric's legal services, at a meeting next Monday, will analyze the steps that must be taken in the face of the new situation.

They will also study documents sent by the former nuns' lawyers, who contacted Mario Isetta on Friday, also via brofax, to inform him that Poor Clares had appointed a negotiating committee to negotiate a “peaceful and extrajudicial” solution.

The root of this whole conflict is the refusal of the church authorities to allow the nuns to sell an empty convent they own, a process they intend to use to counter the purchase of another convent.

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