The fight against vaccines is protesting against health with false statements about the epidemic

The fight against vaccines is protesting against health with false statements about the epidemic

On Thursday, a group of people gathered in front of the Ministry of Health in Mexico City to demonstrate against vaccination and health measures to contain the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cry “False Epidemic” – the term used by conspiracy groups to say the epidemic was planned, which is false – the protesters accused the country’s health authorities of imposing fear on citizens, due to a virus they believe does not exist.

However, only yesterday Mexico set a new record in COVID cases reported in a single day, by detecting 22,711 recent infections, exceeding 22,339 on January 21.

With this figure, the Ministry of Health has confirmed that 3 million 20 thousand and 596 people have been infected with the virus since the beginning of the pandemic in Mexico.

“They will force us to vaccinate”, One of the attendees at the demonstration said, arguing that her refusal to receive the vaccine was that it contained, among other things, graphene.

But as we already told you in This other note from The Hound, Graphene is not one of the ingredients in a vaccine, which has no other purpose than to help our bodies protect us from SARS-CoV-2.

People who refuse to be vaccinated too They said that the mask they call “the mask” is for the purpose of “psychological control”.He warned that its use is dangerous to health because it prevents breathing.

However, we have already revised the same statement on other occasions, and Scientific evidence Indicates that a mask is a necessary measure to prevent infection.

Moreover, there is no evidence that their use is harmful to health. You can read more about it in this Another note.

Regarding returning to the classroom, they asked the authorities not to require children to use the mask because, they say, it could harm them.

But again, as we have already told you over here, a pediatric pulmonologist at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, Aquiles Quiroga, explained it political animal Sufficient studies have been performed – such as this one published in the medical journal Respiratory Care – to verify that the amount of oxygen inhaled while wearing a mask is no less than that taken without it. In addition, it ensures that you are not exposed to carbon dioxide poisoning.

The demonstrators, a group of about 100 people, demanded the removal of Jorge Alcoser, Hugo Lopez Gatell and President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador himself.

They have been accused of supporting what they call the New World Order. The baseless conspiracy theory we already told you about Other occasions In Dog Political Animals.

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