Strengthens Family Medicine Unit 65 of Breastfeeding IMSS Oaxaca

Strengthens Family Medicine Unit 65 of Breastfeeding IMSS Oaxaca

With the aim of informing people of the importance of protecting breastfeeding as a vital public health responsibility, the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Oaxaca this week, August 1-7, is calling for women to participate in the action to protect breastfeeding: a shared responsibility.

The Head of the Department of Social Work at the Family Medicine Unit (UMF) No. 65 of IMSS in Oaxaca, Hetzel Cuero Hernandez, explained that in coordination with staff from different fields, a three-tone video was produced, focused on avoiding discrimination against breastfeeding mothers in all areas.

As well as in the development of creative ideas for activities through electronic media, with the aim of spreading the practice of breastfeeding for pregnant women, mothers of children under two years of age, their partners, their families and the general population.

She raised the awareness of women, families, the general population and health workers about the impact of the practice of exclusive and complementary breastfeeding on the well-being of all through the PREVENIMSS units established at the UMF.

Another measure is to motivate health workers to use social networks to share information about the benefits of breastfeeding, the correct method of breastfeeding, the duration of breastfeeding and its impact on health.

He added that all women are able to breastfeed and feed children in a natural and low-cost manner, in addition to taking care of the environment, as exclusive breastfeeding is essential for children under 6 months of age, in normal life, and in crisis and crisis situations. during emergencies.

For her part, Head of Medical Benefits, Martha Escobar Vasquez, explained that World Breastfeeding Week 2021 focuses on the impact of infant feeding to create a warm chain of support that includes health systems, workplaces and communities at all levels of society, and then IMSS implements activities related to the promotion of breastfeeding in all Its hospitals and UMF.

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