Pope Francis after referring to homosexuals – El Financiero

Pope Francis after referring to homosexuals – El Financiero

Pope Francis was the hero of a new scandal on Tuesday in the Vatican after he used the word “Homosexual” to refer to homosexual people.

The events occurred during a closed meeting in the First Magna of the Salesian University, in which the Pope used the term “com. frociaggine“, which is a vulgar Italian term that translates to “Homosexual” also “Potrio“In front of 200 Roman priests.

This event gained great importance after the leak of another booked meeting two weeks ago in which the priest repeated the same term with the bishops of Italy and apologized for it.

However, on this occasion the Pope would have said: “In the Vatican there is an atmosphere of com. frociaggine“, and that it would have been better not to allow young men with homosexual tendencies to enter the seminary, as they are “good boys,” but with this approach it is better not to do so, as they told the Italian news agency “ANSA.”

After these events, the Vatican press office explained that when the Pope pointed out the danger of ideologies in the Church He returned to the issue of accepting persons with homosexual tendencies into seminaries, reiterating the necessity of welcoming them and accompanying them in the Church and the wise indication of the clerical circle regarding their entry into the seminary.

What is the Pope's relationship with the LGTBIQ+ group?

Pope Francis surprised the world when, in his first press conference on the plane returning from Brazil, in July 2013, he responded with a phrase from the Catechism: “Who am I to judge?”, regarding an alleged gay priestbut his recent derogatory statement about homosexuals has raised a question about the church's true relationship with the LGBTQ+ world.

Francis apologized for using an insulting phrase in ItalianMulta Frosiagen(There are already a lot of gays) when referring to the presence of homosexuals in theological institutes, during a closed meeting with nearly 200 bishops of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI).

“Pope Francis is aware of recently published articles about a conversation behind closed doors with the bishops of the Italian Episcopal Conference (CEI) and as he has stated on several occasions:”In the Church there is room for everyone, for everyone! No one is useless, no one is superfluous, there is a place for everyone. Just as we are, all of us“, reads the memorandum issued by the Vatican after the controversy.

He added: “The Pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he apologizes to those who were offended by the use of a term, which other people have referred to.”

However, what has been talked about is the question of whether Acceptance of gay candidates in seminaries and to what extentSince the Italian bishops had raised this possibility, they, like everyone else, respected celibacy.

But Francis, although he always emphasized the need to welcome everyone, was very strict in this regard, repeating his refusal to accept them, as the Church has confirmed on several occasions.

The Pope thus wanted to reiterate the position of the Church with instructions from the Dicastery of the Clergy, which in 2005, with Benedict They practice homosexuality, have deep-rooted homosexual tendencies or support so-called gay culture.

In the past, some of his misused words have caused significant controversy and outrage among the LGTBiQ+ group, such as when in August 2018 he recommended in a press conference on the plane returning from his trip to Ireland that “Resorting to psychiatry when parents notice homosexual tendencies in their children since childhood“.

“I would tell them, first of all, to pray, not to condemn, to engage in dialogue, to understand, to make room for the son or daughter,” he added. “When it (homosexuality) appears from childhood, there are many things the Pope said: “What “It should be done for psychiatric means.”

*With information from EFE

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