Miley receives a medal in Germany and says she defeated the socialists – DW – 06/22/2024

Miley receives a medal in Germany and says she defeated the socialists – DW – 06/22/2024

president of argentina, Javier MileyToday, Saturday (06/22/2024), he received a medal from the August von Hayek Foundation in the German port of Hamburg. The award he gives Think tank Named after the Austrian neoliberal pioneer, he was honored for leading a radical change in course toward “liberating the population from shackles” and restoring “hope.”

In front of about 200 supporters, including a parliamentarian Alternative for Germany (AFD) Beatrix von StorchMiley gave a speech lasting about 50 minutes in which he claimed to defeat the “socialists” with “the largest fiscal adjustment in the history of Argentina.” The attendees chanted in Spanish on several occasions Miley's slogan “Freedom.”

The Argentine president attributed his rise to power to his convictions, as the only Argentine politician who represents liberal economic ideas, with which he provided citizens with the possibility of addressing problems that have affected the country for decades, such as high inflation, low productivity, and a weak economy. Huge state agencies.

Miley shows off her awards.Photo: Daniel Bockholdt/DPA/Alliance Image

Violent socialists

“We decided to make an adjustment,” Miley said to the applause of the audience. “And today I tell you that after six months we have made the largest financial adjustment in the history of Argentina.” “It is clear that this will not be cost-free. But we always tell people to their faces that there is no money, that it will be difficult, and that the beginning will be complicated,” he said.

In his opinion, “socialists are extremely violent because (the amendment) is successful and the economic structure on which they founded their ideology is collapsing.”

President of the Hayek Society and director of the Kiel Institute for Economic Studies (IfW), Stefan Koothes, praised Miley as one of the “rare pioneers who happily emerges in moments of dire need” to give a devastated country a chance to emerge. From the dead end to which the “interference tendency” led her.

“Its main opponent is called cultural Marxism, where the pure economic socialism of Karl Marx has long been liquidated on a theoretical and practical level,” Kothes noted. Previously, the Swiss radio station Contrafunk and the blog Achse des Guten, both considered center-right, received the same award.

DZC (Demand Press Agency, EFE)

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