Mexico asks US for exemptions on solar panel exports

Mexico asks US for exemptions on solar panel exports

The Ministry of Economy (SE), headed by Raquel Buenrostro Sánchez, sent a letter to the United States Trade Representative, Katherine Tai, requesting that Mexican exports be exempt from customs duties. Double-sided solar panels One of the preventive measures implemented by the United States.

“Such restrictions could lead to the closure of factories that are part of the supply chain in North America, resulting in the loss of hundreds of specialized jobs,” Raquel Buenrostro stressed.

Such a situation would conflict with the two governments' shared goals of protecting jobs in the region and promoting the transition to sustainable energy, Economia adds.

Likewise, he stressed the need to resolve this issue in strict accordance with Treaty between Mexico, the United States, and Canada (TMEC)Taking into account the precedents in this regard and within the same framework, with the aim of reaching an agreement that benefits workers in both countries.

In February 2022, the United States announced that it would extend the safeguard on solar cell imports for another four years, a measure that had been in effect since 2018 when Donald Trump was in power.

The message about solar panels comes just days after the tariff agreement.

Send message about solar panels This comes just days after Mexico and the United States agreed on tariff measures. To protect the region's steel and aluminum markets from imports from China and other countries.

Steel imports from Mexico will be subject to a 25% tariff in the United States unless it can be documented that they were entirely melted on Mexican soil.

In the case of aluminum, imports from Mexico will be subject to a 10% tariff if they contain products from China, Russia, Belarus or Iran.

Buenrostro Sanchez explained, On July 11, the media reported that these measures are part of efforts to make it more competitive. The area so that competition is based on “fair trade” and thus “does not displace companies with aggressive strategies.”

“A joint statement was issued. What it speaks of is the effort that has been made throughout the region to promote fair trade,” Buenrostro told the media at the end of the Fourth Voluntary National Report event on Mexico’s collective progress towards compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals.

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