Children Uganda sends an urgent message to major Spanish companies

Children Uganda sends an urgent message to major Spanish companies

the Christmas It is that moment when children, not children, dream of fulfilling our desires. To get them, we usually write a letter to the Three Wise Men or Santa Claus.

Therefore since Children of UgandaThey thought that in order to ask the country's most important companies and CEOs to donate to their NGO during these holidays, they would also have to write them a letter. But knowing that contacting a CEO is harder than winning the Christmas lottery, they made sure this letter was read by all of its recipients using a very business-like letter type. Below this starting point is born Christmas Pyrofax.

A campaign in which the NGO hacked Pervax, the most urgent and effective form in the business world, Turn it into an advertising means and ensure that this donation campaign is read in the most important offices in the country.

In fact, this innovative measure created by the Iboo agency is already bearing fruit. Branding is just as important Pasta Gallo, Grupo Ampar, Hove or Vicky Foods It has already joined the list of Babies Uganda friendly companies, he added More than 80 thousand euros in a few days.

In fact, if you are a small, medium or large business and have not yet received your Perovax, you can still visit And Uganda is becoming a kid-friendly company this Christmas.

Thanks to this campaign, Uganda's children will be able to continue working to generate current and future opportunities for a population that lacks resources. Since 2012, they have been able to build an orphanage for more than 30 children, a nursery and primary school with more than 650 students and a school for children with visual impairment.

In addition, there are projects nearing completion such as a secondary school with a capacity of more than 350 people and a primary care clinic that includes maternity services, dentistry, ophthalmology, physical therapy and laboratories.

Concrete changes that improve the quality of life of many people, and thanks to this campaign they will be able to continue to improve further.

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