300 officials from El Salvador's Ministry of Culture fired for promoting gender ideology

300 officials from El Salvador's Ministry of Culture fired for promoting gender ideology

San Salvador, June 27 (elmundo.cr) – El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele said that Culture Minister Raul Castillo will begin dismissing more than 300 employees of the agency on Thursday afternoon.

Bukele pointed out that these officials “are promoting agendas that are not consistent with the vision of this government.”

“In addition, we will save public funds in the process. The people have chosen the path and we will take this path. The medicine is bitter,” he stressed.

“The promoters of the 2030 Agenda have no place in the Salvadoran state,” affirmed Nuevas Ideas representative William Soriano. “Excellent, Mr. President!”

While Representative Alexia Rivas commented: “El Salvador is a pro-life family, pro-tradition, and there is no place for the 2030 Agenda. This is what the people asked for, this is the vision of our president, and this is the path that officials must follow. Thank you very much, President.”

“Important decisions require clarity: family and patriotic values ​​must prevail over any agenda that threatens the safety of Salvadoran families,” Congressman Dennis Salinas stressed.

For his part, Representative Romeo Auerbach emphasized: “The bitter medicine of gender ideology.”

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